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Help halve homelessness by 2025

On any given night one in 200 people are homeless across Australia and more than 230 people are turned away from support and accommodation services.

The number of people without a safe place to call home is increasing each year, yet our government has no national strategy to address it.

We know what works and we have a plan to halve homelessness by 2025, will you help us do it?

We need political will from all parties to tackle homelessness by ensuring people have access to safe and affordable housing, and ensure we can provide funded support services to assist people overcoming poverty, domestic and family violence, mental illness and disability.

This election, all political leaders need to commit to halving homelessness by 2025. Now is the time for us to stand together to make a change for all people at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness in Australia.

Homelessness has no home in Australia.

This election our vote will be for a party that commits to the development of a national homelessness strategy that will halve Australia's homelessness by 2025.

This campaign and petition is supported by Anglicare Australia, Mission Australia, Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul Society, UnitingCare Australia and Wesley Mission.

Furthermore, I am raising $10,000 for Mission Australia in order for them to be able to help Australia's homeless.

To donate, just head to

Thanks for reading, signing and donating!

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